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RiverPitch – A fantastic journey!

folder Events
The WBGS team is only just coming down from the epic time we had in Sydney for the #RiverPitch finale. There was incredible energy on the day – all of these businesses have amazing founders and proven market worth and I look forward to seeing everyone’s continuing journey. I’ll be able to say, “I knew you when…”

Some of the WBGS team with Peta Ellis of River City Labs & Harley Weston, Managing Director of Solaire Properties

Founder Sharing

Preparation and filming for the grand finale offered all teams a rare chance to spend a high-energy day with other awesome founders who have embarked on the same journey emotionally. We’re all going full tilt, all-in towards our dreams. 

Your 2019 #RiverPitch Contestants!

So spending time together with this wonderful team we couldn’t help but feel like our own team at the end of it, developing a strong sense of camaraderie and mutual respect.
James Fielding from Audeara,
Lucinda Hartley and Jessica Christiansen-Franks from Neighbourlytics,
Carolyn Mee from Sound Scouts,
Hanno Blankenstein and Jason Grier from Unleash live, and
Tony Wu from Weploy

StartUp Mentoring

Yas & Steve Baxter behind-the-scenes

Once again I was grateful to spend more time with mentor Steve Baxter, someone who knows what it takes to grow and scale a business. The opportunity to benefit from his experience is immeasurable. It was also brilliant to meet and learn from the other fantastic mentors Sheona Devin and Peter James who have been equally awesome with their teams. All helped me hone my pitch even further. And overall the RiverPitch journey been a great process for gaining pitch clarity and business focus.

Finale Questions

So when it came to Q&A time from the judges (Yohan Ramasundara, Siobhan Hayden, Andrew Johnson and special guest judge Duncan Davidson) I felt well prepared for the challenging questions that came my way! I say challenging with love, because I absolutely want hard questions. They help us find the gaps, holes or potential issues that lie ahead for us when scaling. It’s the only way we can grow successfully and be ready for what’s to come.

#RiverPitch Art Imitating Life, Yas watching herself pitch on the big screen!

And although we weren’t the winners on the night – congratulations to Weploy!! – we really can’t put a price on the experience we gained and the connections we’ve made by being part of the show. A huge thanks to ACS, River City Labs and Your Money for bringing the show together.
It has been an inspiring journey and one I am so grateful to have been a part of. If you haven’t yet had a chance, you can catch-up on #RiverPitch at Your Money. Take the time to check-out the amazing Australian #tech #entrepreneur #startup space – we’re worth it!!!

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