We celebrated IWD last week with so many great men and women and during the week we stumbled across a fantastic term #manbassador (full credit to Leanne Kemp, Chief Entrepreneur of Queensland). And what an inspiring term it is!
So let’s break it down. We’d be most familiar with political ambassadors who represent their country in another nation and build relationships. According to the Oxford dictionary, an ambassador is also a representative or promoter of a specified activity.
In the context of IWD and #balanceforbetter, a Manbassador is someone who represents, promotes and supports women in all the arenas that have traditionally only been reserved for men. They’re also the guys who believe our voices, opinions and contributions matter as much as theirs — they recognise that they’re as much on this journey to balance, equality and fairness as any of us women are.
While we’ve come a long way as a society, women still start life behind the eight ball. We’re born into a world where men hold the majority of government and corporate leadership positions — and the reality is, people at the top set the tone for the group and these groups make up our society. Manbassadors can provide a pathway to balance by promoting and supporting the idea of women in leadership roles.
One of the many benefits of balance is diversity and diversity increases a team’s creativity and performance. A balanced group is also more representative of the world we live in and that’s a world I want to live in.
My husband has always been an ambassador for women, giving me complete support to live life in the best way for me and us as a family. And with 2 daughters we want to know they will have every opportunity to live the life of their dreams.
We’re still not 100% used to seeing women in leadership positions but both men and women need to embrace it. Women need to be brave enough to be seen as the female at the table and bring our insights, instincts and emotions to the discussion. And men need to get comfortable with it too — showing passion and emotion (including tears!) does not warrant the label of hysterical! Each and every #manbassador can help usher in a change of perception and allow women to be themselves in business settings.
And before I go any further, we want to acknowledge all the hardworking men who have traditionally been the providers — no easy job that comes with significant pressure, ensuring your family is safe and protected, with a roof over their heads and enough food to eat, allowing them to live happily.
One concrete way each #manbassador can help right now is by sponsoring a woman via SheEO. “SheEO is a global initiative designed to radically transform the way we finance, support, and celebrate female entrepreneurs who are creating new mindsets, new models and new solutions that are benefiting humanity.”
Less than 4% of venture capital flows to female founders. To all the wonderful male champions of change (aka #manbassadors), please consider sponsoring a woman in your family or your office. Alternatively contact me and I will connect you to wonderful women changemakers that you can support. The youngest Activator is 14 and receiving a masterclass in business and investment surrounded by supportive committed mentors.
A huge shout out to Global Payments Inc. who are the first global organisation to activate for SheEO!!
We live in interesting times, with so many inspiring women out there leading the charge and a #manbassador right beside them, not holding their hands, but supporting and encouraging them as equals.
Show your #manbassador pride and support for our cause – shop our merchandise range here!