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Turning Textile Waste Around to Circular

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Textile Waste

Who could forget the image of Craig Reucassel in War on Waste, standing in front of a staggering mound of clothes (aka textile waste), visually demonstrating the rate at which Australians are disposing of clothing and textiles, which is now a staggering 15,000 kilograms every 10 minutes! You would need 2.5 times the piles that Craig has below!! So were turning textile waste around to circular!

So it was great to see our CEO Yas Grigaliunas attend Australia’s first Commonwealth led Industry Clothing Textiles Waste Roundtable and Exhibition at Australian Parliament House on 26 May 2021, hosted by Minister Ley.

At this one-day meeting, industry leaders discussed the ways business and government can work together to realise and deliver innovative solutions to combat the increasing amount of clothing waste being sent to landfill.

Longtime proponents of combating textile waste, World’s Biggest Garage Sale are excited to be a part of building a new future around textiles, in particular looking at the potential that comes from upcycling textiles.

You may have seen some of the repurposed and upcycled items we’ve already produced and some of the workshops we’re now holding?

Upcycled Canvas Bags

Rug UP – upcycled textiles workshop

So how can you help reduce textile waste right now?

  • REuse by increasing the number of times you wear your clothes or better yet, wear someone else’s by purchasing secondhand or renting clothes!
  • REpair and Care for your existing clothes can lower your impact, as they found in the UK, continuing to actively wear a garment for just nine months longer could diminish its environmental impacts by 20–30%.
  • REduce what you buy and hop on the slow fashion train and opt for natural fibres – this is where buying quality over quantity becomes really important.
  • REimagine your relationship with clothes and know that it’s ok to wear REpeat items and move away from fashion ‘trends’.

Stay tuned for more updates about the exciting textiles work we’re doing and workshops we’ll be holding and if you’re a business with textile offcuts or deadstock we’d love to hear from you!

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