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#ONESECOND – A Campaign to Save Millions of Items from Landfill!

folder Circular Economy

In this transformative year, we’re excited to launch #OneSecond to encourage everyone to source just one secondhand item this year instead of new. Whether that be something you relove yourself or buy from your local secondhand vendors, World’s Biggest Garage Sale is on a mission to save millions of items from landfill or lying dormant.

It’s estimated in Australia alone that 20 million Christmas gifts are unwanted by their recipients, which are all at risk of ending up in landfill or lying dormant for years to come.

#OneSecond is a movement to get every Australian thinking about a small change they can make this Christmas for the good of people and planet.

Imagine the positive impact we could have on the world, if we all just gave one gift secondhand this year. It would massively power the circular economy, help us reinvest in our communities, contribute to causes we care about and do something awesome for the planet at a time when our collective waste is usually the highest.

OneSecond with Yas

Being a more conscious consumer is accessible to everyone and can begin with just #OneSecond – one second to pause and consider purchasing one secondhand gift this Christmas.

We have the opportunity to save millions of items from landfill and virgin resources used in the production of new goods. 

Investing in reloved goods also means keeping more money in your local community and on Australian shores.

2020 has been a transformative year and offers the change to reevaluate our habits and the type of people we want to be. The type of people our children need us to be for their future.

Families are struggling this year. Let’s take the pressure off our loved ones and neighbours this year in favour of honest connection and togetherness.

If you want to get your business involved or use the #onesecond logo send us a message ([email protected]) or give us a call (1300 12 12 97).

It takes just #OneSecond to change the world! Will you make the pledge

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